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ACTUALIZADO: enero de 2021
Pink Tongue Skink
We strongly believe that privately keeping reptiles requires generational responsibility
We strongly believe that privately keeping reptiles requires generational responsibility
For every $2 in profit earned
we give $1 toward conservation, education, and humanitarian programs
For every $2 in profit earned
we give $1 toward conservation, education, and humanitarian programs
Angolan Python
We strive to provide records of offspring lineages and maintain genetic diversity in our captive programs
Angolan Python
We strive to provide records of offspring lineages and maintain genetic diversity in our captive programs
Hermann's Tortoise
We  hope to participate in assurance colonies for vulnerable, threatened, and endangered species
We  hope to participate in assurance colonies for vulnerable, threatened, and endangered species
Me esfuerzo por modelar estándares de crianza éticamente progresivos para los criadores, también siento una responsabilidad innegable de usar este negocio para ayudar a construir un mejor mañana para la vida silvestre y las personas. Todo en la vida tiene oportunidades. ¡Incluso un criador de reptiles de lotes pequeños puede, con su patrocinio, causar un impacto!

Por lo tanto, por cada $ 2 en ganancias que gana Reptile Mountain â„¢ LLC, yo regalo $ 1.

Reptile Mountain ™ otorga más del 50% de todas las ganancias anualmente a los siguientes programas educativos, proyectos de conservación de la vida silvestre sin fines de lucro y organizaciones benéficas humanas:


Endangered White Rhinos
Aruba Island Rattlesnake (Crotalus uniolor)
Wild Endangered Gopher Tortoise
Midget Faded Rattlesnake (Crotalus concolor)
Financial support of existing conservation and humanitarian projects has demonstrated for decades to be a key factor in the overall success of initiatives. Without the financial backing provided to programs such as Island Conservation or the Orianne Society, species such as the Aruba Island Rattlesnake or the Gopher Tortoise would be at even greater risk. Reptile Mountain is proud to support programs like these and others listed below in order to ensure that future generations have the same or better wildlife experience.
IUCN Red List

Conservación de la isla
Banco de alimentos de las Montañas Rocosas
Fondo de maestros locales
Koala Cares - Alivio de incendios forestales
Nueva Canción de Gracia Uganda
La sociedad de Orianne

Reptiles errantes
Defiende al silencioso
... y más en proceso
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